Nixon Digital

How the Nixon Platform Helps Detect and Prevent Dark Patterns

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time for organizations everywhere to focus on their digital security. At Nixon Digital, we’re shining a light on a critical issue that can undermine online trust: Dark Patterns. In this post, we’ll break down what dark patterns are, why they’re a problem, and how the Nixon platform helps businesses tackle them.

What Are Dark Patterns?

Dark patterns are deceptive design tactics used on websites and apps to influence users into doing things they might not normally choose. These tricks often come in forms like:

  • Pre-selected opt-in boxes: Users are automatically signed up for marketing or data sharing without saying “yes.”
  • Hidden or confusing privacy settings: Privacy options are hidden deep in menus or labeled unclearly, causing users to share more data than they’d like.
  • Difficult opt-out processes: Users have to jump through hoops to unsubscribe or delete their data, making it a frustrating process.

Dark patterns aren’t just annoying, they’re risky. They can lead to accidental data sharing and weak privacy settings. Companies using these tactics can face hefty fines (sometimes over €100,000) and lose customer trust, which is hard to rebuild.

How Can Nixon Help Spot Dark Patterns?

The Nixon platform uses AI to help you find and fix these dark patterns. Our tools can scan cookie banners to see if “Accept” and “Reject” buttons are equally clear or if they use tricks, like making “Accept” green and “Reject” red, to steer users one way. The Nixon platform also flags tricky pop-ups that may automatically opt users into data sharing without their knowledge. These sneaky tactics can lead to fines and hurt your brand reputation.

Plus, the Nixon platform makes it easy to check for dark patterns across multiple websites. If you manage several domains, going through each one manually takes a lot of time and can lead to mistakes. Nixon’s AI-driven solution handles the work for you, so you can be sure all your sites comply with regulations like GDPR. Whether you have 25 sites or over 100, Nixon ensures they’re checked quickly and accurately.

Why Does This Matter?

In a fast-paced world, efficiency matters. Keeping cookie banners honest and making sure users aren’t opted into risky settings by default may seem minor, but overlooking these details can have big consequences. By automating these checks, Nixon lets your team focus on more important tasks, helping you stay secure and compliant without extra stress.


Dark patterns might seem small, but they can cause big problems for privacy and security. Nixon helps security teams easily find and address these hidden risks that often aren’t caught by standard security checks. This helps avoid fines, builds user trust, and supports a safer digital experience.


And while you’re here, try the Nixon Digital Tracker Checker: a free Chrome extension to check if your cookie banners and tracking practices are working right. While it doesn’t detect dark patterns, it’s a helpful tool to see if your consent settings are up to standard. You can install and try it, all within a minute.


Ready to stop dark patterns in their tracks? Contact Nixon Digital today to learn how our platform can protect your brand and build trust online.